
Halloween Tips For Gluten Free Children

It's Halloween time again soon - And for parents of children with food allergies or sensitivities the anxiety is already rising. School classes offer candy, decorating cookies as an activity, and treats galore. This practice in schools can make the beginning of the holiday season more challenging if you aren't prepared. Here are some ideas you can approach your gluten free child's teacher with or else help you in preparing:

1. Try to find out about any and all extra activities from your child's teacher so that you can plan ahead of time.
2. If the class is decorating cookies, try making some sugar cookies from this Bob's Red Mill Sugar Cookie Recipe or from Gluten Free Mom's Blog(which comes with an icing recipe).
3. You could always make a suggestion to help do a gluten free alternative to cookies like some Halloween crafts. We love Disney's Family Fun website for ideas! Just be aware that some glues can contain wheat.
4. Buy some gluten free treats that can be given to your child in place of questionable ones if the class is getting treats. Place them in a labeled tupperware bin for the teacher to dole out.

Halloween Night
Trick or treating can be a challenge for several reasons. Not only is it disheartening to some children to have to give up their treats once they aquire them. But the added fear of a child eating a non-gf candy before you as a parent checks it can be equally scary. Our family has a golden rule that our celiac child does not eat any candy while trick or treating. She happily obliges as most of her fun is just getting to go to the doors and ask for candy. We also have a standing rule that we go through her horde at the end of the night and if there is any candy she cannot have, we give it to a homeless shelter the next day for the children there to enjoy.

The great news is that even if there is a lot of junk candy out there full of high fructose corn syrup, there are many gluten free candies available. Last year, my celiac child did not have to give up much of her Halloween candy load.
There is a list of gluten free candies on gfreelife.com  and another more extensive list on celiacfamily.com
To see some awesome Gross But Good recipes we have featured at past R.O.C.K. Charlotte Halloween parties try here:
                        More Recipes
                        Gluten Free Kitty Litter Cake

And don't forget, R.O.C.K. Charlotte hosts a gluten free Halloween Party every year!
To view this year's invitation, click here: Fangtastic Gluten Free Halloween 2010


  1. The Dylan and Delaney Story:

    Gluten Free - Natural Gumballs

    Dylan and Delaney are two real kids who wanted to make a real difference. They wanted a natural gumball that was healthy and great tasting and they wanted to help kids who were less fortunate. With the help of their parents, and friends of all ages, the Dylan and Delaney line of natural, great tasting,Gluten Free, gumballs was born.
    Dylan and Delaney gumballs are made with the best that nature has to offer. Our Apple Bapple™ and Smackin Strawberry™ contain no artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial preservatives, animal products nor high fructose corn syrup. Our gumballs are made by international confectionary experts, packaged by the developmentally challenged and an ever increasing percentage of sales is donated to local children’s charities.

    When you retail Dylan and Delaney gumballs, you are sending an affirmation to every Kid that they can make the world a better and healthier place. You are telling them that their ideas count and that they can make a difference. In Dylan and Delaney’s case, this difference is achieved one gumball at a time.


  2. Good to know and thanks for commenting:-)


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